Tuesday, March 20, 2012


After much encouragement from my husband, I am embarking on this not so new world of blogging.  I have pondered as to why he has encouraged me to blog and I would love to think that it is because of the vast resources of great wisdom and entertainment I have to offer but the reality most likely revolves around the hope that if I get all of my thoughts out on my blog he will get to sleep a bit earlier every night.  He also may just want me to quit waking up every other day or so with another post he should put on his blog.

In reality, he knows that I dream of one day writing "for real" and knows that this is a good spring board for me.  We have been married for twenty years and I am sure that he has heard at least once a month in those twenty years about a new book, magazine article or op-ed that I am going to write and wants me to "just do it."

Funny thing...the main reason I have not started this blog is because I had no idea what to name it and even fewer ideas about how it should look.  You would think my longing to write would include such simple creativity but it does not.  By way of introducing myself, I will share with you some of the suggested titles:

Mrs. Pastor's Wife-Yes, I am the wife of a pastor and have been for 16 years.
Diane's Delights-This was suggested so that I would share recipes as well for I do love to cook and bake.
The Recovering Home Schooler-I home schooled my three children up through 8th grade and shoved them off to "real" school for the joys of public high school. (this could also say "recovering control freak" because we all know that home school moms might have a bit of a control issue)
Diane's Door Buster-This name was given by my 16 year old son with the explanation that when I "go off" I just break down all of the barriers and tell it like it is.
Here Again?-This was my own thought as I realize that when raising kids you often say to yourself "this again" and when you move to a new place you say things like "here too?" and when the Lord takes you to a new ministry you say "not again and here too?"

Truth is, I am starting this blog because I am a happily married mother of three teenagers who loves to talk, read, teach, encourage, and maybe share an opinion or two.  So, if you have received an invite I somehow think you are connected to my life and might want to hear an opinion or two or some encouragement or some strange thing that has happened in our crazy life that might make you laugh.  Catch you again soon!

Walking in His Amazing Grace,


  1. YAY!!! :) Look forward to reading what you have to say! :) Hope you are MUCH better at keeping up with it than I was!

  2. Love it, D! Stay true to yourself girl...love you so much!!

  3. Looking forward to your postings! You have so much to offer to so many. I think of the experience and knowledge you have acquired over the years and what a blessing this will be as you "minister" to others through this blog. Trust His Spirit to lead you and direct you ... He will! So enjoy the journey!
